
audio signal generator and spectrum analyser
  2 reviews

Jaaa (JACK and ALSA Audio Analyser) is an audio signal generator and spectrum analyser designed to make accurate measurements.

Jaaa allows you select on of the four inputs, 'Min' and 'Max' the min and max displayed frequencies. There can be up to two markers which helps accurately read off values in the display.
Latest reviews
gingin 8 years ago

To guys who have don such hard job.. Guys beutifull pease off work packed in such poor graphic interface. A huge amount of knobs on the rigth side and all of the those have equal amount of graphic value ?! Please take a look in to Androin apps.... simpel ,beutiful and works. So why Mint or Ubuntu cant have same thing like that ?

gepko 11 years ago

spectrum analys werkt goed maar de generator is niet van frequentie te veranderen blijft op 1khz vast staan onder mint maya gr gepko