Fully functional Shotwell in Linux Mint

  10 years ago

In Linux Mint (at least 14 to 17), if Shotwell is installed directly from the default Ubuntu repositories, social media publishing and other features that require authentication will not work correctly. To gain Shotwell's full features, do the following:

First, make sure Shotwell is not currently installed in your system.

$ sudo apt-get remove shotwell

Next, add Yorba's repository:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yorba/ppa

$ sudo apt-get update

And install:

$ sudo apt-get install shotwell

This should now install the newest version of Shotwell from the Yorba PPA (version 0.15 at the time of this writing).

To test, open Shotwell and select (or inport) a picture. Once selected, click the "Publish" buttion at the bottom of the window, or from the File menu.


  • If no publish options are available, make sure social medial plugins are enabled under preferences/plugins.


Source: http://www.yorba.org/projects/shotwell/install/

Sam_Sung 6 years ago

Don't follow this outdated tutorial.
yorba is defunct since 2015.

Add one of these PPA for stable/unstable Shotwell:

winemaker9 7 years ago

Well, I was hoping for this to work, however

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yorba/ppa
'This PPA does not support xenial'
Cannot add PPA: ''This PPA does not support xenial''.

fedelin 8 years ago

Thanks for the topic, Shotwell is a central cataloging software for a photographer, and probably the only one if we except Digikam/KDE.

In order to have the "RightClick"/Export function to work I had to install an extra nautilus-sendto library.

janfont 8 years ago

Thanks Sam Sung I can download via Shotwell again!

maurye 8 years ago

thank you very much for this tips, now i can upload to google photos to save my pics online

MagicMint 9 years ago

This tutorial makes direct publishing work again in LM 17.1 Rebecca. The more so because Google’s service account login won’t you let through to Picasa under Linux :-(

porosjp 10 years ago

doesn't import photos with LM17 Cinnamon message says "database file is read on only" (translate from french)

blew10 10 years ago

Seems to work quite well in LM16 Cinnamon.