Install google pinyin on Linux Mint 17 QIANA

  9 years ago

This is a tutorial for beginner to install google pinyin with Graphic-User-Interface(GUI)

1.Go to Menu(at the bottom left corner by default)

2.Click on Software Manager

3.Type in your password

4.Search for 'fcitx'

5.if there is blank, it's probably you haven't install the package,if there is, skip to 11

6.Open your terminal(Ctrl+Alt+T)

7.Type in sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fcitx-team/nightly

8.After adding package type in sudo apt-get update~(Everyone must know from first^^)

9.Log out and Log in again.

10.Back to Software Manager and seach for fcitx

11.Install the first package (fcitx)

12.then go back and find and install






13.You are done, Log in and out again.

14.You will see a keybord icon on your bottom right .

15.If not, you can go to Menu>Preferences>Input Method

16.Click OK, and Click Yes

17.Select fcitx and Log in and out again.

18.You're almost done.

19.Right click the keyboard icon and it'll change to google pinyin~!!!!