iPhone, iPod and iPad support for Mint

  14 years ago


Hello, and welcome to this little guide.
If you want to sync your iPhone/iPod on your Linux, download libimobiledevice.
Now Linux will detect your device, and you may sync it with the default media player. (RythmBox)
Download from:
When you are going to download, select the Ubuntu package.
Ubuntu works in Mint, so don't worry. ;)
Your device does NOT have to be jailbroken :)
This isn't as good as having iTunes, but it gets the job done.
For more information about this, goto the site reffered to over and scroll down the page.
I have only tested this with an iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G with RythmBox and Amorok. It works great for me, and it makes my life a little bit easyer, :P
I do not take any responsibility if your device/computer get messed up by this, and neither does the creator's of this package.
If you instsall this package you agree that you are responible for your device and computer. I'm not saying that this will happen.
I'm using this without ANY problems at all, but if something happends, I am not responsible.
You may contact me for help or questions. 
I hope this helps some of you.
When i deleted Windows, the only thing I needed was iPhone sync'ing, and now I, and you guys have that opertunity. laugh
Greetings from onClipEvent!
Greetings from onClipEvent, Norway!If you want to sync your iPhone/iPod, download libimobiledevice.
Now Linux will detect your device, and you may sync it with the default media player. (RythmBox)
Download from:
When you are going to download, select the Ubuntu package.
Ubuntu works in Mint, so don't worry. ;)
Your device does NOT have to be jailbroken :)
This isn't as good as having iTunes, but it gets the job done.
For more information about this, goto the site reffered to over and scroll down the page.
I have only tested this with an iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G with RythmBox and Amorok. It works great for me, and it makes my life a little bit easyer, :P
I do not take any responsibility if your device/computer get messed up by this, and neither does the creator's of this package.
If you instsall this package you agree that you are responible for your device and computer. I'm not saying that this will happen.
I'm using this without ANY problems at all, but if something happends, I am not responsible.
You may contact me for help or questions. 
I hope this helps some of you. When i deleted Windows, the only thing I needed was iPhone sync'ing, and now I, and you guys have that opertunity. :D
Greetings from onClipEvent, Norway!If you want to sync your iPhone/iPod, download libimobiledevice.
Now Linux will detect your device, and you may sync it with the default media player. (RythmBox)
Download from:
When you are going to download, select the Ubuntu package.
Ubuntu works in Mint, so don't worry. ;)
Your device does NOT have to be jailbroken :)
This isn't as good as having iTunes, but it gets the job done.
For more information about this, goto the site reffered to over and scroll down the page.
I have only tested this with an iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G with RythmBox and Amorok. It works great for me, and it makes my life a little bit easyer, :P
I do not take any responsibility if your device/computer get messed up by this, and neither does the creator's of this package.
If you instsall this package you agree that you are responible for your device and computer. I'm not saying that this will happen.
I'm using this without ANY problems at all, but if something happends, I am not responsible.
You may contact me for help or questions. 
I hope this helps some of you. When i deleted Windows, the only thing I needed was iPhone sync'ing, and now I, and you guys have that opertunity. :D
Greetings from onClipEvent, Norway!
blueXrider 13 years ago

How To:

reeboker 13 years ago

not working iOS v4.1 baseband 06.15.00 (jailbroken), wish there be CopyTrans clone for tux

pazoff 14 years ago

Install virtualbox-nonfree.
Setup windows xp installation, install itunes.
Connect the device to usb.
Manage usb properties in virtualbox for the virtual windows and activate the device
Start itunes and sync your device
Tested with ipad - IOS 4.2.1 - unthethered jailbroken - works perfectly.

allypink 14 years ago

The links for the various distros are down the bottom of the page.

blue_mango 14 years ago

I clicked on the link but there was nowhere to download the package from that website. Is it hidden somewhere?

CBindahouse 14 years ago

Does Banshee have this support built in? And I detest apple rubbish anyway. Not that it should make me bias towards anything, not a bad guide as far as I can tell!

remoulder 14 years ago

Not a tutorial just a link to an application