
  4 years ago
Architecture: i386
Type: Xfce
Status: Approved for Stable release
enyc 4 years ago

This, Mint 19.3 xfce 32bit image, manages to successfully boot with VirtualBox 6.0.14 in all VboxVGA/VMSVGA/VboxSVGA modes!.
In at least one case, (VboxVGA) I had autologin failed, had to type "mint" and press enter twice, but that could just be my pressing a key or something else....

mtwebster 4 years ago

after installing side-by-side (same os), last-installed one is:
Linux Mint 19.3 XFCE.

alternate becomes:
Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia (19.3)

mtwebster 4 years ago

"Skip" is not localized during install slideshow