
Latest reviews
Package User Score Review Date
sweethome3d bumpsee 1 consistently crashes after 10-20 seconds or so 13 hours ago
aegisub Hikari77M 3 It works but has some bug. Some changes to interface color not working. 15 hours ago
w1retap Santila 1 Программа установилась, но ни где не у видел в системе ... 16 hours ago
sublime-text olafthelofty 1 Someone tell me how this has 4 stars? Um, 10 reviews, 25 stars total... And how is a relatively expe... 20 hours ago
firejail killercoke 4 I love it but the software manager has it the program as 3 years out of date. This package needs upd... 1 day ago
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Category Number of applications
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