org.strawberrymusicplayer.strawberry |
mishaguyas |
3 |
After my Win 7 drive crashed, I officially switched to Mint because Windows 10.... s... |
17 hours ago
com.usebottles.bottles |
Emanuel1988 |
5 |
Hallo, vielen Dank für diese super Software. Die Nutzung über dem ist wirklich gut gelu... |
17 hours ago
com.hunterwittenborn.Celeste |
Wiggle751 |
5 |
Worked quickly an efficiently with minimal set up. I used it for Proton Drive but works with many ot... |
1 day ago
wine |
suryaprakash |
3 |
wine is intresting concept but many time thing not stable in 32 bit or 64 bit.worst some software wo... |
1 day ago
vlc |
suryaprakash |
5 |
i'm using vlc last 7 years linux and other platforme one of the best recomendation for play video an... |
1 day ago