mint-21.2-amd64-2023.09.24-12:07 EDGE

  10 months ago
Architecture: amd64
Type: Cinnamon
Status: Approved for Stable release
mtwebster 10 months ago

@Acheron, that's fine - the iso was just built yesterday with the most recent available packages, so it's not unusual it's currently up-to-date.

Acheron 10 months ago

Just did a fresh install and the Update Manager showed up.
Was unable to continue the test because the Update Manager showed "Your system is up to date", even after several refreshes. Update Manager version was 6.0.3.
Have never seen this before as every install I have ever done has at least 3-4 updates. Can someone else please confirm?

Acheron 10 months ago

Noticed a slight difference in parameters after a search.
Booted to a live USB session: client=firefox-b-lm
On the same ISO installed to a hard drive: client=firefox-b-1-lm

Acheron 10 months ago

Video issue does not occur after an install to a hard drive (SSD).

Acheron 10 months ago

Just after the splash screen and before log-in appears (picture of the screen) System report:

Acheron 10 months ago

Just before the splash screen and log-in appears there are a set of horizontal white lines that flash briefly with the system BIOS logo. They also show up when then system is being exited (restart or shutdown). Have never seen this before. Issue is solid repeatable. Haven't been able to take a screen shot of it yet. System info: Booted into LMDE 6 to file this report.

Acheron 10 months ago

Volume label is correct but no mention this is an Edge release. Is that OK?