A multi-player aerial combat simulation. Players engage in air to air combat against one another using heat seeking missiles and cannons.
Main features include: * Simulation with 6 degrees of freedom. * Tricycle and bicycle landing gear simulation. * Structural limit to the vertical positive/negative load. * Standard atmosphere. * Weather: daylight/night, fog, wind. * Classic instruments, including magnetic compass, turn and slip indicator, airspeed indicator, attitude and bank indicator, altitude indicator, vertical speed indicator. * Navigation: HSI with RNAV calculator, ADF. * Head-up display (HUD) and inertial reference system. * Auto-pilots: hold altitude, hold climb rate, hold speed, follow VOR radial, follow ILS glide path, rudder/ailerons coordination. * Several aircraft models implemented, both civil and military. * Two sceneries provided: Dallas area (Texas) and Italy area with hundreds of runways and radio stations.
acm runs under the X window system. This version of acm is implemented as a distributed simulation. It communicates information via the IEEE Distributed Interactive Simulation protocol.
The original version of acm was written by Riley Rainey. This is Umberto Salsi's updated version.