:^/ New entries are sorted as "Other," no matter which category is active on the left pane when creating them. Move Up and Move Down do not, in fact, move entries up or down. The application appears to actually do nothing. You can view the menu's structure, but cannot change it.
Version 3.36.0-1 did not work with Cinnamon 4.6.7 on my computer! But it seems that a program called "cinnamon-menu-editor" is already installed (by default) that looks the same and works :)
Extremely useful, especially if you have users who don't want or don't know how to use the terminal.
Tried using this with Mint Cinnamon and found that I was not able to move applications between the categories. However it did revealing the Cimmamon Menu Editor application. This application provided the functionality that I needed, so I have uninstalled this one.
For LinuxMint15, just right click on the menu, Edit menu, and tada ! Alacarte interface
Works with Xfce when the Xfce4 meta-package is installed, but the Xfce4-metapackage uninstalled the Mint-menu.
Works great. Only downside is it installs a bunch of other apps too, and hides some apps you already installed.
It doesn't work for me in mint 14, even as superuser. It also added a bunch of random junk to my menu that I didn't want and had to uninstall. I'm sure it's a decent bit of software and it did run, but right now it doesn't seem to work with a default installation of Mint 14 for some reason.
it's a very useful tool. btw, the 1st app added to the menu is Alacarte! :)
Yes! I should be there by default. I was looking for such an option by default. Ok no problem, installing.