It does its duty on Mint 21.1 xfce. It works fine, but I don't understand the need for programmers to move the uploads section to the shared files section. Using eMule for Windows you can keep under control downloads and uploads at the same time, instead on aMule you have to continuously click to check the progress of both.
It has been removed from Ubuntu and Linux Mint. To install it manually : Shareaza was the best P2P software but only available for Windows. I never find similar for Linux.
It DOES Work the program, but they do not prevent illegal activities like porn distribution or worse. So as user in searches for files or whatever you get confronted with a lot of seemingly/or genuine illegal things here. If you do not like this install another client like LinuxDC++
La mejor manera de encontrar ese archivo que aparentemente no existe en ninguna parte.
It works, but upload files do not show.. I am installing a win emule over wine now..