
Media Management and Playback application
  20 reviews

Banshee is a media management and playback application for the GNOME desktop, allowing users to import audio from CDs, search their library, create playlists of selections of their library, sync music to/from iPods and other media devices, play and manage video files and burn selections to a CD.
Latest reviews
Mintov 7 months ago

It's genius.

unhandled_exception 1 year ago

Frequent crashes.

mazdamj 5 years ago

I used to like Banshee. It used to play all my music. I have a roughly 9GB music library. I am now using Linux Mint 19.2 and tried to import about 9GB worth of music and the second I click import, it force quits itself.

damanbaird 6 years ago

like others have said development has ended and cant handle large collections of music, which is a shame cause this was my go to music player when i started using linux several years ago.

Fontenele 6 years ago

Development stopped in 2014 and can't handle a large files collection.

Wolfcubby 7 years ago

Too many hang-ups

alcoban 7 years ago

İnternet radyoları mevcut değil

sLvIMZyju488F9MwVlUU 7 years ago

At one point, it was my go to music player, the interface is really well designed, but its dependence on mono made it unusably, crash-prone, slow and buggy. Now i use gmusicbrowser.

itonamikaze 7 years ago

keep trust and always good!!

Jag_k 7 years ago

Good music player

Pandiora 7 years ago

The sound-applet got recently updated for me and then banshee didn't showed up anymore. Now I had enough of banshee since it takes to long to load, the volume-button is bugged and probably a lot of other problems I can't remember now, but which frustrated me. With tomahawk I found a good alternative, even if it is lacking some more options and features in my oppinion.

skabed 7 years ago

it works

4ndy 7 years ago

tl;dr feature rich & slow. Seemed great for organising my music, fixing erroneous track information and making smart playlists to suit my mood... until my collection grew enough (just a few thousand songs) that it became very slow to use: it takes most of a minute to load, can be over a minute once you load your favourite playlists, and even rating a single track would freeze up the program for several seconds! Its internal database must have messy code. Its playlists are not accessible by other programs nor can they be played via terminal commands, and are a pain to generate & export. Occasionally it crashes when commanded to play, so it cannot be used reliably with alarm-clock. Reference point as YMMV: version 2.6.2 on an old laptop running LM17.3XFCEx32 with Intel Core2 Duo @ 2.26GHz and 4GB DDR2@800MHz.

GMG2718 7 years ago

Crashes, Complicated, Obsolete.

jukswede 8 years ago

Works great!

kutalgin 8 years ago

Great !!!

Donnerschwabe 8 years ago

Eingelegte CDs werden nicht erkannt. Musik läßt sich nur über Ordnerauswahl abspielen. Handhabung recht Kompliziert.

cmoi 8 years ago

Bien. Supporte les radios web

Nomis2016 8 years ago

You can order the tracks better than RhythmBox, but not accurately. It places 11 before 1. How silly.

DoggyMeatChops 8 years ago

Keeps crashing after Media scan.