
Automatic Playlist Generation extension for Banshee
  3 reviews

Mirage is a ready-to-try implementation of the latest research in automatic playlist generation and music similarity. Mirage analyzes your music collection and computes similarity models for each song. After your music has been analyzed, Mirage is able to automatically generate playlists of similar music.

Mirage is far from being perfect! But it is a nice and easy way to rediscover your music collection. Imagine it's an automated radio station DJ playing songs from your collection and all songs somehow fit together.

Banshee is a media management and playback application for the GNOME desktop.
Latest reviews
Moonbase 10 years ago

I somehow relied on this great thingy ever after, but its been deleted in Ubuntu for ever and a while and not in Quiana and Rebecca. What can I do to make it come back? Really, really, REALLY miss it!

ray1claw 13 years ago

i use it all the time!

mpkingsley 14 years ago

One of the plugins for banshee that I use the most; Its like the genius Mixes on iTunes, but based on your song's musical similarity, not genre or artist.