
Cross-platform media indexing/search tool
  1 review

Basenji is an indexing and search tool designed for easy and fast indexing of media collections. once indexed, removable media such as cds and usb sticks can be browsed and searched for specific files very quickly, without actually being connected to the computer. besides file hierarchies and audio track listings, basenji also presents extracted metadata (image dimensions, mp3 tags etc.) and content previews of indexed media in a clean and straightforward user interface.
Latest reviews
OttifantSir 13 years ago

Best removable-media indexing tool I have used. The cons are few with this. GUI could've been more polished, and when adding new entries, it should start counting at the first unused number. As it is now, if you've deleted entry 1, the next entry defaults to 2 regardless. Minor annoyances that's all.