
Bibliographic database
  1 review

Bibus is a bibliographic database which has been developed with LibreOffice/ in mind. It can directly insert citations and format the bibliographic index in an open Writer document. The main features are
* hierarchical organization of the references with user-defined keys
* designed for multiuser-environments (share databases between users)
* a search engine supporting live queries
* on-line PubMed access
* import of PubMed (Medline), EndNote/Refer, RIS and BibTeX records.
Bibus will use an SQLite-database by default for storage (via the SQLite3 module available in Python >2.5). But it also supports MySQL-databases. If you want to use a MySQL-database, make sure, that you have the python-mysqldb package installed.
Latest reviews
ivanovnegro 14 years ago

Its not the best out there. I prefer zotero within Firefox. I think Bibus needs more features for me to work seriously with it.