
Chemical structures editor
  6 reviews

BKchem is a free chemical drawing program, which is written in Python.

Some of the features, you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of common-groups; draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo capabilities; aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-, OpenOffice.org-Draw-, EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export)
Latest reviews
cetmint 3 months ago

9Not expect too much. You can generate most of the images from latex chemfig package. Needs python Pmw package also install. First start from terminal, if you get error from python3 no module imp (python3.11 python3.12 conflict) then in terminal; $sudo xed /usr/share/bkchem/bkchem/main.py goto line 490 and change import imp to import importlib as imp then it is OK to use.

hapi 10 years ago

Best 2d chemical drawing software I found for Linux. Recommended.

dougyboi 10 years ago

The best 2D chemical drawing software currently available from the software manager. Bad: Fiddly drawing, crashes. Good: works, can draw basically anything and exports beautifully to Libreoffice.

francheu 12 years ago

très bon logiciel pour faire de belles formules chimiques

ulysses 13 years ago

Good and useful.

Griemel 14 years ago

export drawings using SVG-file (Cairo) works good, but export using copy/paste is not possible