
delete unnecessary files from the system
  20 reviews

BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain privacy, and remove junk. It removes cache, Internet history, temporary files, cookies, and broken shortcuts.

It handles cleaning of Adobe Reader, Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Flash, GIMP, Google Earth, Java, KDE,, Opera, RealPlayer, rpmbuild, Second Life Viewer, VIM, XChat, and more.

Beyond simply erasing junk files, BleachBit wipes free disk space (to hide previously deleted files for privacy and to improve compression of images), vacuums Firefox databases (to improve performance without deleting data), and securely shreds arbitrary files.
Latest reviews
ksm_018 9 months ago

Exelente app para liberar espacio y limpiar el sistema muy buena app se la recomiendo, Exelente

PaulF 1 year ago

Fantastic, Click and see results, click again to action, or change results. So easy so effective. Thanks

JE77 1 year ago

Very Good!

masemoel 2 years ago

Quite useful

Bobby-Here 2 years ago

It was good enough to keep Hilary Clinton out of prison and so it's good enough for me. Seriously, it removes all the old files replaced by updates and all the associated broken links. It makes free a lot of disc space. It's really good.

Emmy341 2 years ago

A mi me lleno la memoria :( y despues ya no pude iniciar secion tuve que instalar linux mint desde 0 borrando todas mis cosas, si lo vas a instalar quita la opcion de "espacio libre" para evitar errores, es muy buena aplicaccion

Medina 3 years ago


name 3 years ago

Er für erfahrene Anwender wie auch schon von "Ged296123" beschrieben. Wer war los zu viele Haken setzt kann mit Fehlermeldungen, vielleicht auch mit schlimmeren rechnen. Google übersetzt: It for experienced users as already described by "Ged296123". Anyone who ticks too many boxes can expect error messages, maybe worse.

Vasilis_K 4 years ago

A really great program, but unfortunately it doesn't get updated in Ubuntu ppa. Better download the deb file from the dev's site.

Ged296123 4 years ago

Be careful when using. Just selecting all tick boxes does more harm than good. In my experience, put me into a login loop-screen. Not preferable for someone new to linux (like me) and with no experience.

Rayleigh 4 years ago

Gerçekten harika bir uygulama

madmax95 4 years ago

Very simple and light cleaner app!!

cleverbastard 5 years ago

Equivalent de CrapCleaner sous Linux. Je l'utilise depuis de nombreuses annees. Disponible dans toutes les langues. Efficace. Bravo.

andre59 5 years ago


erebo 5 years ago

es excelente muy eficiente y facil de usar

sggs 5 years ago

I love the control over my filesystem this gives me. I can address every aspect individually or go for wholesale wipe. No not with a cloth Hilary, we know you know better.

phil995511 5 years ago

Good software

ernstlustig 5 years ago

Please update.

george_cnha 5 years ago

Cumpre bem a tarefa a que se propõe. Tão leve e essencial que já deveria vir pré-instalado na distribuição.

Philipp 6 years ago

It is really functionaly