
Locks/unlocks your desktop tracking a bluetooth device
  18 reviews

Blueproximity helps you adding a little more security to your desktop. It does so by detecting one of your bluetooth devices, most likely your mobile phone, and keeping track of its distance. If you move away from your computer and the distance is above a certain level (no measurement in meters is possible) for a given time, it automatically locks your desktop (or starts any other shell command you want).

Once away, if you return nearer than a given level for a set time your computer unlocks magically without any interaction (or starts any other shell command you want).
Latest reviews
Almaz 3 years ago

The application won't install, citing the "python-support (>= 0.2)" dependency.

noblow91 4 years ago

Its not the greatest after bluetooth 4 as most bluetooth devices use a power saving mode that almost entirely turns off the bluetooth radio when its not in use. have had my computer lock itself purely because my phone turned it's screen off. if you stay within the confines of the limitations this app has, im sure it can be wonderful. but as an install and go app, there is plenty people would have to change to make this really useful.

ahmedhamdy90 5 years ago

It is now working with Mi band, I already got it paired with my laptop, but the blueproximity can't find it.

BAKZTEADD 9 years ago

not working to me linux mint rosa

Hammer459 9 years ago

I like this application handy to have your computer lock when you go

Transilvanec 10 years ago

с модой на спортивные браслеты будет очень удачным

pocketpda 11 years ago

очень сильно повысила безопастность

drZeT 13 years ago

works. config is easy. adds security, saves time. nice app.

tayss 13 years ago


gwaro 13 years ago

this one is so cool;its magic

Zer0 14 years ago

Seems to need a bit of work, works fine once you fiddle enough the settings. Fantastic idea with better then expected results.

efthialex 14 years ago

My favourite application! :D

shaon121 14 years ago

love it

900i 14 years ago

One crazy app, love it.

kip- 14 years ago

great not just in office !

ceptor 14 years ago

this little tols is a big help for locking/unlocking your desktop

Sonsum 14 years ago

Very useful and convenient way to password protect your computer

artic112 14 years ago

Just use your mobile phone to lock and unlock your desktop, walk away ant it is locked, arrive at your desktop and it is unlocked, VERY good