
virtual printer for viewing a document before printing
  2 reviews

Boomaga (BOOklet MAnager) is a virtual printer for viewing a document before printing it out using the physical printer.

The program is very simple to work with. Running any program, click "print" and select "Boomaga" to see in several seconds (CUPS takes some time to respond) the Boomaga window open.

If you print out one more document, it gets added to the previous one, and you can also print them out as one.

Regardless of whether your printer supports duplex printing or not, you would be able to easily print on both sides of the sheet.
Latest reviews
tsftomint 3 years ago

Clever! It is the best preview available for most Brother printers (old or new) on Linux Mint-20.2 and offers duplex printing on most of them. The sizing feature is kind of quirky (e.g., 50% is called "4 up") and for actual size you have to delete the preset margins. Since Gutenprint Drivers are not available for most Linux printers, Boomage is the best substitute.

ashish128 5 years ago

Awesome! It is a gem. My many thanks to the developer/s for this golden piece.