
Interactive whiteboard for schools and universities
  3 reviews

OpenBoard is an open source cross-platform teaching software for interactive whiteboard designed primarily for use in schools and universities. It can be used both with interactive whiteboards or in a dual-screen setup with a pen-tablet display and a beamer.

Latest reviews
indrajit 1 year ago

Its great alternative for onenote, I like it

rahul 4 years ago

Download from GitHub, supports Linux Mint 20 -

fjrg76 5 years ago

OpenBoard per se is a great tool for teaching and creating educational content. But the advertisement says "Easy to install". That's not true. The installation process is a pain in the back. It doesn't install in recent versions of Ubuntu and derivatives (Linux Mint 19.3, KDE Neon, etc.). Best you can do is to install it from the flat pack system. Open board's original size is about 50 MB, and maybe 100 MB when installed, but the installation through Flatpack takes as many as 2.7 GB after installation! If you can live with that, then use it! You won't regret.