
chess database
  3 reviews

With ChessX you can operate your collection of chess games in many ways: browse, edit, add, organize, analyze, etc.

Current features: - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. - Load and save PGN files. - Work with multiple databases simultaneously. - Browse games, including variations. - Enter moves, variations and comments. - Setup board, copy/paste FEN. - Search header (click on columns in game list header). - Display opening tree for the current position. - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines. - Observe and play games on FICS.
Latest reviews
Empoliner 9 years ago

Definitely the best chess database for Linux. I really like it.

nimzoob36 10 years ago

Great app if you want to analyse and save your chess games. Works very nicely, and can be customised to one's liking. Brilliant.

ghillan 10 years ago

the best UCI chess gui so far.