Cinepaint is a painting and image retouching program designed to work best with 35mm film and other high resolution high dynamic range images. through its frame manager and flipbook player, cinepaint can be used for painting of background mattes and for the frame-by-frame retouching of movies. its studio developers incluce rhythm & hues, sony pictures imageworks, dreamworks and ilm.
the 32-bit per channel color range of cinepaint appeals to 35mm cinematographers and professional still photographers because film scanners are capable of greater color bit-depth than can be displayed on an 8-bit per channel monitor or can be manipulated in typical programs. however, cinepaint is a general-purpose tool useful for working on images for motion pictures, print, and the web.
apart from conventional image formats (eg. jpeg, png, tiff, and tga) cinepaint also has support for specialised motion picture formats such as kodak cineon, ilm openexr, maya iff and 32-bit tiff. specialised colour management is also available through cinepaint's gutenprint and littlecms support.
this project was formerly known as film gimp.