
Player for content created using Adobe Flash
  3 reviews

The Adobe Flash Player Projector is an offline player for content created on the Adobe Flash platform.

While the Flash platform is abandoned, there's still a lot of vintage content available for download, such as games, and animations from Flash's “Golden Age”.

NOTE: This wrapper is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by Adobe, and does not contain a web browser plug-in.

Latest reviews
Uiabird 1 year ago

It plays my flash files just fine, would recommend.

JavaWisman 1 year ago

Was looking for a solution to view .swf files. This one works perfect!

Jazyelito 2 years ago

Probé extensiones en el navegador, navegadores que según daban soporte y no funcionaron... Pero con este programa, sin pestañear ejecutó la aplicación que necesitaba de un disco de hace 10 años...