
Game engine for Space Cadet Pinball
  4 reviews

Reverse engineering of '3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet', a game bundled with Windows.

Latest reviews
SaltDistributor 8 months ago

Works better than the Windows version, and with more options. None of the non-Latin script language options work for me though.

fat_beard 2 years ago

I used to play this game for hours on my first HP Windows ME edition. Only game I had that was worth anything for a while. I recently found it on Fedora 36 a bit ago. Then randomly found it on my LMDE5. So happy, nestalgic AF! Now I need to find the Asteroids Deluxe edition from back then. Keep up the excellent work.

Baldovska 2 years ago

Original game ported to linux. Works as it should while having sprite viewer, cheats and multiple languages. For some reason when I change the language it changes the language for a second and then it resets to english. Still an amazing port.

emmanuel 2 years ago

Works Fine :)