
customize icons, xrdb and GTK themes
  5 reviews

Graphical application for generating different color variations of Oomox (Numix-based), Materia (ex-Flat-Plat) and Arc themes (GTK2, GTK3, Cinnamon, GNOME, Openbox, Xfwm), Archdroid, Gnome-Colors, Numix, Papirus, Suru++ icon themes. Have a hack for HiDPI in gtk2.

WARNING: Oomox-spotify plugin is disabled for Flatpak because of isolation.

Latest reviews
Rallicat 11 hours ago

Doesn't even launch

K3LERxWEW 3 weeks ago

that could be the best application, i always use it to customize my desktop, i really love it

dcatlett0 6 months ago

Theme exportation in Linux Mint's Flatpak does not work. I have to go into my ArcoLinux virtual machine to do that.

Linux-Eddie 9 months ago

Tolles Programm, um seine eigenen Themen zu erstellen oder die hinterlegten Themen zu installieren. Endlich ist Schluss mit langweiligen grauen/weißen/schwarzen Leisten. (Keine Ahnung, warum immer nur Einheitsbrei veröffentlicht wird ...)

dabler 2 years ago

I wanted to tweak a Cinnamon theme I downloaded. Looking for a way to do that I came across Oomox Theme Designer. After some experimentation I created my own theme - not too bad for a first try: and I can now keep improving it.