
Scanning software for 6000+ scanners
  11 reviews

VueScan is an application for scanning documents, photos, film, and slides on Windows, macOS, and Linux. VueScan supports over 6000 scanners from 42 manufacturers - even when there isn't a driver available from the manufacturer.

The base VueScan app is available for free but will leave a watermark on your scanned images unless you purchase a license from Hamrick Software.

NOTE: This wrapper is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by Hamrick Software.

Latest reviews
killercoke 7 months ago

Do not recommend and not only becuase they are "Money hungry". I'm sure it supports all the older scanners BUT, rather buy a new scanner then pay this company. They put a watermark across the PDF if you haven't paid them, really making it useless unless you pay them.

paul_convery 1 year ago

I've used this software for over 10 years, originally with Windows. The cost of a lifetime subscription is worth it. I had stopped using my scanner for a few years and realised the upgrades had rendered my initial installation deprecated, but on fresh install, recovered subscription details and it all reinstalled perfectly.

Olafrinn 1 year ago

Installed, was presented with a nag screen, re-read the reviews on software manager and exited. On exiting this app you get taken to a web page trying to get you to pay for the use of it and remove the watermark. I fully get that developers need to earn a wage from their work but blatant nags and popup web pages are only going to get the scores to plummet. Sorry people of Hamrick, this was uninstalled as soon as I exited. There are far to many FOSS apps that do very similar jobs who I am more happy to support financially than those that insist on payment.

Felizia 1 year ago

Diese Flatpak-Version hat keinen Zugriff auf externe Datenträger. Dann besser die entsprechende Version (deb, rpm u.a.) direkt von herunterladen und installieren. Da ist der Zugriff auch auf Netzlaufwerke, NAS und externe Datenspeicher möglich.

kamino 1 year ago

Pay 30 bugs a month. Extremly aggressive anoying, no use without pay, free version writes across pdf. who even took that stuff up in the linux list. Waste of time. -Found NAPS cool scanner, should be in the list instead.

Norbert 2 years ago

Can not install (mint una 20.3). A scanning software that inserts watermarks into the images and only removes this function against payment is not FREE! This has no place in a Linux repository.

ChainSwordCS 2 years ago

Required watermark on any and all scans for free version. This is not free software. Also slightly adware the way it opens the web browser every time you close it. Bad f-ing news.

Butcheroni 4 years ago

Works fine, but coast 30 €uro

Pancoast 4 years ago

Hello. I have only tested VueScan (free version) two times and it works very well.

DonB 4 years ago

I've been using Vuescan since my WIN XP days. So nice to see he has a native version for Linux as well. My PRO license works in both the WIN and Linux worlds too. Great Product - Thanks

teogin 6 years ago

Is the best scanning software which makes every scanner a strong device and it makes the old devices alive again!