
Fast & powerful, cross platform .NET IDE
  3 reviews

Rider supports .NET Framework, the new cross-platform .NET Core, and Mono based projects. This lets you develop a wide range of applications including .NET desktop applications, services and libraries, Unity games, Xamarin apps, ASP.NET, and ASP.NET Core web applications.

Rider provides 2200+ live code inspections, hundreds of context actions and refactorings brought by ReSharper, and combines them with the IntelliJ platform's solid IDE features. Despite a heavy feature set, Rider is designed to be fast and responsive.

As well as running and debugging multiple runtimes, Rider itself runs on multiple platforms: Windows, macOS, and Linux.

NOTE: This wrapper is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by JetBrains s.r.o.

Latest reviews
Tabin_Tem 6 months ago

As a newbie it was great to install and use. Works as intended.

ripplejb 3 years ago

Rider is a great IDE. No complaint there. However, it is not working when I install it from here (using flatpak). It still works on Mint. Install it using snap.

Scramblejams 3 years ago

Flatpak sandbox fails to allow access to mono and dotnet binaries, so Rider can't use them.