
An easy to use password manager brought to you by cybersecurity experts.
  7 reviews

NordPass - an easy to use password manager brought to you by cybersecurity experts. Keep passwords in a secure vault, access when and where you need them.

NordPass is designed by the same team that created a leading VPN service, now trusted by more than 12 million users - NordVPN. Therefore, security and simplicity are the top NordPass priorities.

With NordPass, store your passwords and secure notes all in one place, access them on any device, and share them with people you trust. Your passwords are protected by the latest encryption algorithm, XChaCha20, and zero-knowledge architecture. Your passwords are yours to have - we know nothing.

What does NordPass do?

  • Autosave. Forget saving your passwords manually. With NordPass, you can add them to your vault in a few simple clicks.
  • Autofill. Scrolling through a database of logins and passwords isn’t for you? That’s what autofill is for. Let NordPass do the work.
  • Password generator. Unique passwords are essential for truly secure accounts. With NordPass, you can generate them in a matter of seconds.
  • Password strength checker. Using a password manager enhances your security, but it won’t help you if your passwords are easy to crack. Check how strong your passwords are before you use them on any accounts.
  • Secure password sharing. We get it: sometimes, you need to share your passwords. If you do, you might as well share them safely with a secure password sharing feature.
  • Secure all that matters. NordPass isn’t just for passwords. Store and access all your secure notes, including your credit card details.
  • Accessibility. Passwords should be accessed when and where you need them. That’s why NordPass is available as a browser extension, as well as mobile and desktop apps.

How much does NordPass cost?

NordPass is free to use, whether it is a browser extension or an app. Want to access more features like secure password sharing or access your passwords on more than one device at once? Try NordPass Premium.

NOTE: This wrapper is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by NordPass

Latest reviews
Nood 7 months ago

Simply doesn't work from this package. Shuts down all by itself.

spohess 1 year ago

Completo deserviço, não fuinciona. É impossível passar da autênticação, ele recebe a autênticação do site e fecha, quando abre não reconhece que acabou de ser autênticado e solicita Log In novamente. horrível, desesperador usar isso.

BillyTheGeek 1 year ago

This app works perfectly, but not from this package manager. I have it working when I natively installed it through the snapd software package manager. Linux Mint has snapd blocked from being able to be installed, but there is an easy work around. I recommend googling 'how to install snapd on Linux Mint' Once you have snap installed and working, go to the nordpass official website and follow the instructions on how to install it natively through their supported package manager.

CesarGMEFA 1 year ago

the application does not even load....

KIMW 2 years ago

Same as everybody else. CRASHES ALL THE TIMES. I have a similar problem with their VPN. LOTS of internet disconnections of NordVPN. It's been like that for several months and their IT team is TOTALLY incompetent to find the issue. NORD Company is NOT reliable at all.

ronpowers 3 years ago

I signed up to the forum just to complain about this app. It works great on Windows, but here, like the previous reviewer said, it closes/crashes every few minutes. Every time I need to retrieve a password I have to re-enter all login info AND re-link it to its browser plugin. Beyond frustrating.

White-Rabbit 3 years ago

Terrible. Crashes without reason every few Minutes. Needs to be fixed. The App itself is okay but like i stated it is unusable right now.