
An advanced text editor
  6 reviews

Notepadqq is an advanced text editor designed to make life easier for developers.

It includes real-time syntax highlighting for over one hundred languages, regular expression searches, and text manipulation with multiple cursors.

Latest reviews
serbul 1 year ago

Lacks many default features of Notepad++. Also, unlike Notepad++ doesn't support Plugins/Extensions. The v.1.x had the menu item, but that's it. The v.2.x doesn't have that at all. I'll go try installing Notepad++ (Wine) using Snap, or Notepad Next.

toomyg155 1 year ago

Its like notpad++ I used to edit PHP files on my server online and works like a charm :)

Brandon_Baez_1996 4 years ago

Cumple con lo que promete, es un buen editor, sin embargo hay dos puntos a recalcar, notepad ++ es muy ligero, y este editor pesa mucho, tambien la pagina web esta caida y no se puede consultar

sharmaganesha2 4 years ago

Don't want it to install KDE

openletter 4 years ago

It is largely very competitive for me with Notepad++ to the point that I haven't bothered installing Notepad++ (using wine). It retains most of my favorite features, especially Ctrl+Alt to move margins of multiple rows. It also uses a default monospace typeface with unambiguous characters. The only minor issue is that it does not alert me if I have altered a document, such as changing color of the save icon.

yahudinesh 5 years ago

Very good text editor. kind of alternative for notepad++