
WhatsApp Messenger
  20 reviews


Zapzap is a container for execution of the web web, that is, a kind of Webapp.Thus, all features of the Whatpp Web are available and several others that integrates it with the system.

Its differential is the support to multiple accounts, in the background running, spellchecker and customizations based on the theme of the system.

Data security:

No modification and manipulation is performed on the execution of the Whatpp Web. In addition, all source code is available in Github and can be auditable.


ZapZap was initially developed for personal use.I decided to share it so that other people, like me, could have a WhatsApp customer more integrated into the system.

Latest reviews
compusurf 1 month ago

works perfect

Mintov 2 months ago


LunarLunatic 3 months ago

great software, does great with ultrawide monitors

Klausur 6 months ago

it works fine and does everything I want to do. I only must become used to how the way switching by f11 between full screen a window. Now I have deinstalled it, because it does no more start.

tiuras 7 months ago

Muito bom, pra quem ta falando asneira ai deveria saber que o projeto é open source se alguem te chamou ou se passou por você tem outros motivos, cuida com os sites que voce acessa, se tem duvida do app analisa o codigo fonte.

partilhartes 9 months ago

Muito cuidado ao utilizar esse tipo de aplicativo não-oficial! Na minha experiência, logo após a instalação do ZapZap, eles usaram das minhas informações para entrar em contato com as pessoas com que conversei através do aplicativo se passando por mim com perfis falsos como a conta +5532999568664. Não recomendo. Melhor usar o acesso oficial através do site:

goldenegg000 11 months ago

its responsive good lookin and has many options! It's also possible to have multiple whatsapp accaunts in one place, overall a really good app would recommend to anyone.

Louis58 11 months ago

Great app! I would appreciate the possibility to start it minimized (and in the task bar).

legran 1 year ago

Gracias por la app. Funciona mejor que el resto de 'réplicas' de WhatsApp Web.

laury_croft 1 year ago

Rápido real, sencillo, intuitivo, excelente app, buen trabajo, lo único es que no abre cuando inicia el sistema apesar que lo he configurado, pero es una pequeñez.

zondy 1 year ago

This is the first whatsapp client I have used, And it does the job. It's better than whatsapp web and very similar to the whatsapp app on windows. Must tryit

YURIV67 1 year ago

It works perfectly for me! Fast and smooth.

bayucs83 1 year ago

It works well, sync okay. No version of WhatsApp on Linux will have call/videocall because the apps available are all based on the web version, not native app like Windows

Jote_AR 1 year ago

Buen funcionamiento, y compatibilidad con el escritorio Cinnamon. Espero que siga su ciclo de desarrollo y lanzamientos.

gjannotti 1 year ago

Works Perfectly !

n0body_special 1 year ago

It works as intended, and that's the important thing. It also has many customization settings, which I love. But I really hate these new UI design trends, I mean where is my minimize button? Why do I have to enable it in the settings, just put it there. Yes I know that closing it does minimize it to tray, but cmon guys this is a Desktop client, you don't need and you SHOULD not reinvent the wheel, the wheel is working just fine, leave it alone

markos9310 1 year ago

Funciona perfectamente. Su apariencia es hermosa.

dirkjanl 1 year ago

No call and videocalling possible. No use for me.

timcarry 1 year ago

It has worked better than several others I have tried. The best is the spell check and right click correct works

eugenevdm 1 year ago

There are currently three WhatsApp clients on the Mint software market and this one is the best. The comment about Google is misguided because behind the scenes these products are wrappers around a browser and Chrome happens to be the market leader.