
Real-time game engine
  6 reviews

Unity is used to create half of the world’s games. Unity's real time platform, powered by tools and services, offers incredible possibilities for game developers, and creators across industries and applications.

NOTE: This wrapper is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by Unity Technologies.

Latest reviews
g6qwerty 1 year ago

Only Issue i have is that It only is able to use 2 of my 3 moniters but that may have something to do with having 2 grphaics cards and 3rd montier is on that card so I can't move any of the extra Unity windows over to that monter except for the Unity Hub and Unity's Main window, works great for editing avatars for vrchat so far.

fonxsirax 2 years ago

Having the same issue as darylg

darylg 3 years ago

This downloaded fine on my machine and I've been able to install 2020.3.25f1 successfully from the Unity Hub and create a project. Unfortunately there are some issues I can't seem to overcome - For some reason it picks my secondary monitor as the main screen so every window has to be dragged over and pop down windows appear on the secondary screen too and as these can't be moved I'm constantly having to go to another screen to select from the a submenu. I was trying to create a mobile phone game but had some issues getting my phone to connect with Unity Remote. I could get it to play the scene once and would then have to restart Unity completely for it to work again. The biggest issue I have is that when I try to open scripts it pushes me to install Visual Studio Code when I already have it installed. If I follow the steps it takes me to a version in the Flatpak store which has reviews saying it's unofficial (and also didn't run). The only way I've been able to get round this is by navigating to .cs files in the Mint File Manager and setting .cs files to have VSC as the default. Now I don't have intellisense and VSC keeps crashing every 30 seconds. Could be unrelated but

sephid86 4 years ago

if you see "enough space" error message (i think this is bug). 용량 부족 에러가 나면 이렇게 해보세요. this try. unity hub setting - unity editor folder path - ~/Unity/Hub/Editor - save

Volfase 4 years ago

Didnt work it just said not enough space

RomanHG 4 years ago

Seems to be the same as the official appimage in the Unity Forum. It's updated and works as fine. Very cool and comfortable use