CopyQ monitors system clipboard and saves its content in customized tabs. Saved clipboard can be later copied and pasted directly into any application.
Items can be: * edited with internal editor or with preferred text editor, * moved to other tabs, * drag'n'dropped to applications, * marked with tag or a note, * passed to or changed by custom commands, * or simply removed.
Features: * Support for Linux, Windows and OS X 10.9+ * Store text, HTML, images or any other custom formats * Quickly browse and filter items in clipboard history * Sort, create, edit, remove, copy/paste, drag'n'drop items in tabs * Add notes or tags to items * System-wide shortcuts with customizable commands * Paste items with shortcut or from tray or main window * Fully customizable appearance * Advanced command-line interface and scripting * Ignore clipboard copied from some windows or containing some text * Support for simple Vim-like editor and shortcuts * Many more features