
Calendar program for women
  8 reviews

Cycle is a calendar for women. Given a cycle length or statistics for several periods, it can calculate the days until menstruation, the days of "safe" sex, the fertile period, and the days to ovulations, and define the d.o.b. of a child. It allows the user to write notes and helps to supervise the administration of hormonal contraceptive tablets.

Possibilities of the program:
- Calculate days of menstruation, based on the length of the cycle or
on statistics of previous periods.
- Calculate days of "safe" sex, fertile period and day to ovulations.
- Definition of D.O.B. (Date Of Birth) of a child
- Allows one to write notes.
- Helps to supervise reception of hormonal contraceptive tablets.
- Multiple users allowed. Data is protected by a password for every
NOTE: This program is not a reliable contraceptive method. It does neither help to prevent sexual transmission diseases like AIDS. It is just an electronic means of keeping track of some of your medical data and extract some statistical conclusions from them. You cannot consider this program as a substitute for your gynecologist in any way.
Latest reviews
agewa79 2 months ago

Finally! After years of waiting it is updated. Out of 2 programs for women existing on linux this I prefer.

KhalVal 10 years ago

A must have, this has been super handy and has accurately predicted cycles. The notes feature lets you add in related information.

bebopper 13 years ago

It's very usefull and one of my favorites.

blueXrider 13 years ago

OMG didnt know this was available

wanda 14 years ago

Oeiiiiiii not for my ,best good for Women.

efthialex 14 years ago


SaurabhBhartiya 14 years ago

It is best for my wife :) Ultimate ;)

Biakatcar 14 years ago

for my wife:)