This package contains the core of the dbconfig-common framework. this framework presents a policy and implementation for managing various databases used by applications included in debian packages.
it can:
- support mysql/mariadb, postgresql, and sqlite based applications;
- create or remove databases and database users;
- access local or remote databases;
- upgrade/modify databases when upstream changes database structure;
- generate config files in many formats with the database info;
- import configs from packages previously managing databases on their own;
- prompt users with a set of normalized, pre-translated questions;
- handle failures gracefully, with an option to retry;
- do all the hard work automatically;
- work for package maintainers with little effort on their part;
- work for local admins with little effort on their part;
- comply with an agreed upon set of standards for behavior;
- do absolutely nothing if that is the whim of the local admin;
- perform all operations from within the standard flow of
package management (no additional skill is required of the local