
Access to public German TV Mediathek
  2 reviews

MediathekView searches the online media libraries of German public broadcasting stations (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, SWR, BR, MDR, NDR, WDR, HR, RBB, ORF, SRF) and lists available shows. It supports filtering this list for specific broadcasts, and allows viewing and downloading videos. It also enables subscriptions and automatically downloads new episodes.

Viewing videos requires the "org.videolan.VLC" flatpak.

Latest reviews
Linux-Eddie 11 months ago

Funktioniert sehr gut mit Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon.

MK2k 1 year ago

MediathekView is an indispensible tool for accessing German speaking media libraries of ARD, ZDF and others including favourites (subscriptions) management.