
Roll the dice
  1 review

Roll a six-sided die by default, or roll a custom die of up to 999 sides.

Copy roll results to the clipboard from the history pane. Results are remembered until the app is closed or they are manually cleared.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • Roll the dice with Ctrl+R
  • Open dice settings with Ctrl+,
  • Copy the last result with Ctrl+C
  • Toggle the roll history pane with F9
  • Clear roll history with Ctrl+L
  • Undo the clear with Ctrl+Z
Latest reviews
Fonzie 2 months ago

It's a very simple application that rolls one die of your choosing at a time. It does not offer rolling multiple dice (e.g. 3d6) nor dice pooling (e.g. roll 2d20, only use highest roll), which loses a lot of its usability for me. Furthermore, it uses fastrand, which does not randomise as well as some other options.