
The egalitarian ubiquitous amiga emulator
  6 reviews

E-uae is a 100% software amiga (500) hardware emulator. it is a fork of the original named "uae", largely based on changes made for the windows fork of uae, winuae.

note: for "proper" use of uae, you need some version of the kickstart rom, and some os running on top of this (most likely some version of the amiga os). both don't comply to the dfsg (to say the least) and must be obtained from other sources. there is information in the package docs how to obtain these if you are owner of an amiga box.

however, there is a minimal free build-in kickstart replacement, and at least some demo disks are reported to run with it.
Latest reviews
yugiohfan2013 11 years ago

Doesn't work at all -- crashes with "Segmentation fault"

themagicm 12 years ago

Move to FS-UAE..much better, and regularly updated

RytronII 12 years ago

It is time to play those old classics again!

Ludger 13 years ago

Much better than UAE. More games work and it's faster, too

Solar 13 years ago

Somewhat disturbing to see what these little buggers were capable of ten years before Win-95...

gunni 15 years ago

installed this after problems with UAE, this works a treat!