
gesture recognition program
  13 reviews

Easystroke is a gesture-recognition application for X11. It aims to be highly configurable while at the same time providing an intuitive user interface. It was designed with a Tablet PC in mind, but it also works well with a mouse.
Latest reviews
palbob 6 years ago

Классная прога. здесь можно не только ставить жесты, но и по сути менять назначение клавиш. это получаеться аналог проги для виндоуса XMouseButtonContro, которого для линукса нету, что печально . я на первую боковую клавишу с жестом простого нажатия поставил действие PageDown. Жизнь налаживается!!!

KIMW 7 years ago

Wouah!!! Just EXCELLENT.

geoffm 12 years ago

Been using easystroke for 5 years, I just can't live without it. Very efficient.

courtier 13 years ago

Changed the way i use my mint

emimalabar 13 years ago

muy bueno pruebenlo, simplifica muchas tareas repetitivas entre otras cosas

Rockzalo 13 years ago

Lo instale por curiosidad, y me sorprendio bastante. Ademas sirve para sorprender a los amigos ;)

LusH_9600 14 years ago

Diese Gesternerkennung ist einfach genial gemacht !

Townley89 14 years ago

Great little program that does wonders. A breeze to use, and being able to navigate websites comprehensively without shortcuts or having to click on nav buttons is a blessing

RobinJ 14 years ago

I've been using Easystroke for a while now, and I must conclude that it's a great little program! Only the tray icon is a bit useless, there'd better be an option in the configuration menu and the control center.

robertofmj 14 years ago

10 years using Opera Gestures. Why not using gestures in the fully linux system ? This program is light, simple and f... incredible !

Yarrgh 14 years ago

Awesome application. Makes working easier, faster and more efficient. Everyone should try it out.

maliku 14 years ago

Greate application.

zens 14 years ago

This is the best application ever, I can't? believe they're not more widespread.