
Exchange Web Services integration for Evolution
  5 reviews

This package allows the Evolution mail and groupware suite to connect to Microsoft Exchange servers using the Exchange Web Services interface.

It works in a very similar way to the Evolution Exchange connector, but it supports the Exchange 2007 version.
Latest reviews
josta 4 years ago

does what it should and this up to now fantastic.

fire4wd 9 years ago

just a little effort and then work like a charm

shorawitz 9 years ago

I did the same thing as mikes1013 and got the same positive result! Now I can access my company's hosted Exchange server from Evolution - YIPEE!

mikes1013 9 years ago

In reply to the negative review; I had the same thing happen to me. I ended up exiting the application and killing all processes that had the name revolution in them. Then deleted all revolution packages including evolution-ews and finally reinstalling just evolution-ews. Not sure what fixed it but I'm now connected to my Exchange 2013 work server without any problems

happyoutkast 10 years ago

It just simply doesn't work. I go through the wizard that evolution launches on first run, enter all the information, click apply, and even get to the evolution main interface. However my account never actually shows up anywhere in the program (even under edit > preferences > accounts) and when I restart the program it acts like it never saved and shows me the first run add an account wizard all over again! completely useless!!!!