
Utilities to create, check, label and dump exFAT filesystem
  2 reviews

Utilities to manage extended file allocation table filesystem. This package provides tools to create, check and label the filesystem. It contains
- dumpexfat to dump properties of the filesystem
- exfatfsck / fsck.exfat to report errors found on a exFAT filesystem
- exfatlabel to label a exFAT filesystem
- mkexfatfs / mkfs.exfat to create a exFAT filesystem.
Latest reviews
ob1wan 8 years ago

Excellent! Works in Cinnamon 17.3 32bit. I was able to mount a 64 GB SD card after installing it. Thank you. exFat support >> sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils >> On Mint 18.1 the packages are included.

Walkman100 8 years ago

should come preinstalled