
utility to control the fan speed
  9 reviews

Lm-sensors is a hardware health monitoring package for Linux. It allows you to access information from temperature, voltage, and fan speed sensors. It works with most newer systems.

This package contains a daemon that calculates fan speeds from temperatures and sets the corresponding PWM outputs to the computed values. This is useful when this feature is not provided by the BIOS or ACPI, which should normally be the case on a laptop.
Latest reviews
isame12 3 years ago

it cant read the config file. i tried it on my hp probook 650 g1 laptop

jomonbre 4 years ago

It doesn't work on my laptop : Error: Can't read configuration file

Menard 4 years ago

It gives nothing as fan on AMD A8 7600 Kaveri as this fan sensor is in the bios

BionicMerlin 5 years ago

LM 19.1 Loading configuration from /etc/fancontrol ... Error: Can't read configuration file (Same with or without sudo). The sensors command works just exactly the same as without fancontrol.

Craig100 5 years ago

Just installed in LM19.1. I can get the core temps with $> sensors, but that's it. No control, so a bit of a waste of time. Really need to calm these fans down on a new Dell XPS 15.

ephraimshofar 6 years ago

When the command is entered into the terminal (yes, I use 'sudo' first), it results in the following error: Error: Can't read configuration file

Ota1991 6 years ago

cant do anything with it

MaJa 7 years ago

Type the command "sensors" in terminal to get the details.

Axel_Wintermann 10 years ago
