
utility for sorting FAT directory structures
  3 reviews

FATSort is a utility that sorts FAT16 and FAT32 partitions. It even can handle long file name entries. It reads the boot sector and sorts the directory structure recursively. This is for example useful for sorting the files on your MP3 player when it doesn't implement a sorting function itself.
Latest reviews
rmlazzari 1 year ago

This utility is very good for anyone who wants files on a memory card to be in alphanumeric order. A tip: instead of defining the memory card as, for example, sdb, try sdb1 ;)

Busybody 6 years ago

Doesn't work for me. Keeps complaining "device is mounted!", then if -f option is used, still complains "permission denied!". Why is everything in linux such a major pain in the ass to get right?

Mastik 7 years ago

Using this to sort the files & folders on my memory cards for my Spectrum Next (microSD), Gotek for Amiga (USB) and files & folders (CF) and it works brilliantly.