
simple client for online RSS services like tt-rss and others
  2 reviews

Modern desktop application designed to complement existing web-based RSS accounts.

FeedReader combines all the advantages of web based services like synchronisation across all your devices with everything you expect from a modern desktop application.
Latest reviews
caltrop4 2 years ago

and another reader bites the dust... wants sudo privilage on start, no way to add individual feeds, SUCKS!

realtek20 3 years ago

I've tried many RSS Readers, some are good but this one seems to have less issues with it and just seems to work! Its great, I also love the fact the content is embedded when you click the feed link. However it would be great if each URL could actually automatically be loaded in the detail pane rather than having to click the source links each time and also I cannot find a way of getting back to the welcome screen where you can add sources (you need the URL if you want to add more)