
Fullscreen distraction-free writing program
  20 reviews

Focuswriter is a fullscreen writing program designed to be distraction free. You can customize your environment by changing the font, colors, and background image to add ambiance. FocusWriter features an on-the-fly updating wordcount, optional auto-save, optional daily goals, and toolbars that hide away to allow you to focus more clearly. Additionally, when you open the program your current work in progress will automatically load and position you at the end of your document, so that you can immediately jump back in.
Latest reviews
micahcbrown 7 months ago

I have to update my review as I found the options for double spacing and first line indent! This is awesome! Okay, that being said I would like the option for both Double Spacing and First Line Indent to not be theme specific and allow for on-the-fly selection. Thanks!

monkey 2 years ago

Flexible, Stable, Powerful (in a way of Minimalism) = Helpful! Perfect for me right now.

mmmhhhhhhh 3 years ago

Editor senzill, permet escriure sense distraccions, com diu. I això de la màquina d'escriure és una meravella.

rumpi 4 years ago

Im loving Focuswriter. It's doing exactly what is says it will - helps me focus on my writing. The typing sound is fun but it's also a good focusing tool. It reminds me that I'm writing. Linux has made me love computers again.It's given me back control over my computer instead of the computer controlling me. Thanks.

Anse 4 years ago

I like the preinstalled designs and the user-defined option. But I couldn't find any option for simple text editing or "zooming". I know, you don't need all that stuff for distraction free writing, but a marker and most of all an option to toggle the size of the text field is what I am missing. Maybe the option is there somewhere, but even if, it should be easy to find.

phong7 5 years ago

Pick from one of Beautiful Background Themes and then add a typewriter sound and your set for writing. works, sounds and looks great.

nowakowski 5 years ago

Lightweight, easy to use, suitable for intensive writing. The ability to turn on typewriter sounds is wonderful.

sientelo 5 years ago

Use it everyday, none of the bloat of Google Docs or Libre Writer, love it

SantiagoSatori 5 years ago

This is wonderful to use when I write my book drafts. I like creating background themes related to my work. Thanks!

newmintterman 6 years ago

Very light and simple. Looks good. Nice choise for basic text files. If interested it's available for all platforms. No public key or fingerprint though... Makes me wonder why.

Maurice045 6 years ago

Awesome on Mint19

allanbraga 6 years ago

Good job! Typewriter sfx is cool!

gustavospace 7 years ago

O som de máquina de escrever é uma viagem no tempo.

iosonoscrive 8 years ago


Tscharli 9 years ago

Great! Blazing fast and simple.

diak 9 years ago

fantastico. perfetto.

Erebus_Oneiros 9 years ago

Minimalist design. Simple and useful. As the name says Best for Focus writing!

jeop 9 years ago

I use this all the time. It's really nice. I like the clickety-clack typewriter sound. The interface is a little confusing at first. The right background is inspiring but the colors are extremely important.

Valou 9 years ago

Very good work! I love it!!!

dennyrwa 9 years ago

great aplication ever