
Java program for working with Mind Maps
  13 reviews

Freeplane is a free and open source software application that supports thinking, sharing information and getting things done at work, in school and at home. The core of the software is tools for mind mapping (also known as concept mapping or information mapping) and using mapped information.

Occupying the middle ground between an editor and a diagramming tool, Freeplane allows the user to add content as quickly and naturally as they would in a text editor, yet producing structured content that can be manipulated as easily as a diagram.

Features include ordering ideas in nodes and freely positionable nodes, connecting nodes, automatic/conditional styles, scripting, add-ons, LaTeX, search/filtering, different export features, printing, password protection of nodes/maps and more.

See for a full list of applications and features.
Latest reviews
Linuxwins 1 year ago

Dies ist das beste freie Mindmap-Programm für Linux. Die Flathub-Version im App-Store ist noch etwas aktueller. Im Großen und Ganzen bin ich zufrieden. Schön wäre es, wenn es noch eine 3D-Funktion gäbe.

lericony 2 years ago

sehr gutes Programm

testtest 5 years ago


Kolchev 5 years ago

Отличное приложение! Дизайн слабоват и нет поддержки мониторов с повышенной плотностью пикселей, а вот функционал отличный. Из-за отсутсвия поддержки мониторов с повышеной плотностью пикселей интерфес программы выглядит очень мелким. Это не так страшно, если работать с использованием горячих клавиш. Программа локализована на русский язык. Документация к программе есть в разделе Помощь.

kokbira 6 years ago

-2 points because it uses Java to do the computer more slow when opened; -2 points because it crahes editing a file created with it

eportal 7 years ago

The latest version as of Nov 2017 (1.6.7) is an aweseome mind mapper! Especially with the GTD+ and Presentation addons, it makes project management, brainstorming, studying,scheduling,and just about everything , easier to handle. Try it, you won't regret it!

bugamc24 7 years ago

Awesome indeed!

jagmint 8 years ago

I am very much disappointed with the freeplane team. Freeplane is an excellent mindmapping program, a kind of which is unparalleled with other softwares of the same genre. The reason I am disappointed is that the freeplane team do not release the latest version for linux but do so for the windows and mac platform. This is somet kind of a cheating and treason with the Open Source Community. I love freeplane but this behavior from their end to give greatest preference to Windows and Mac operating systems and completely neglecting the GNU/Linux platform should be condemned by all Open Source and Free Software supporters. I have contacted the Freeplane team regarding this but they are turning deaf to my requests.

Korpu 10 years ago

This program has very good fuctions, but intalled under Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon 64-bit malfunctions and denies me as a user, and I'm the only user on this PC. Pity.

yezgar25 10 years ago

This is the best free software app for work with mindmaps!!!

Argeman 11 years ago

I love mindmaps - and this tool makes using mindmaps easy and fun!

kaptoxic 11 years ago

I love this app. I try to use mindmaps for everything...

Matt4179 12 years ago

Great for organizing notes.