
graphical player for Interactive Fiction games
  2 reviews

Gargoyle is an Interactive Fiction (text adventure) player that supports all the major interactive fiction formats.

Most interactive fiction is distributed as portable game files. These portable game files come in many formats. In the past, you used to have to download a separate player (interpreter) for each format of IF you wanted to play. Instead, Gargoyle provides unified player.

Gargoyle is based on the standard interpreters for the formats it supports: .taf (Adrift games, played with Scare), .dat (AdvSys), *.agx/.d$$ (AGiliTy), .a3c (Alan3), .asl/.cas (Quest games, played with Geas), .jacl/.j2 (JACL), .l9/.sna (Level 9), .mag (Magnetic), *.saga (Scott Adams Grand Adventures), .gam/.t3 (TADS), *.z1/.z2/.z3/.z4/.z5/.z6/.z7/.z8 (Inform Z-Machine games, played with Frotz, Nitfol or Bocfel), .ulx/.blb/.blorb/.glb/.gblorb (Inform or Superglús games compiled to the Glulxe VM in Blorb archives, played with Git or Glulxe), .zlb, .zblorb (Inform Z-Machine games in Blorb archives, played with Frotz).

(note: do not confuse the Git Glux interpreter with the Git DVCS or the GNU Interactive Tools)

Gargoyle also features graphics, sounds and Unicode support.

Technically all the bundled interpreters support the Glk API to manage I/O (keyboard, graphics, sounds, file) in IF games. Gargoyle provides a Glk implementation called garglk that displays texts and images in a graphical Gtk window, with care on typography.


* While Gargoyle can display in-game pictures, it does not provide a way to display the cover art present in some Blorb archives.

* The TADS interpreter doesn't support HTML TADS; you can play the games, but will miss the hyperlinks.
Latest reviews
irjowo99 10 years ago

Playing old windows glulx game on Linux now. All I had to do was download gargoyle. Awesome!

farvardin 13 years ago

One of the best interpreter for textual games!