
Distraction-free, themeable Markdown editor
  4 reviews

Ghostwriter is a Markdown editor that provides a themable, distraction-free writing environment, along with a live HTML preview as you type, easy document navigation with an outline HUD, and export to popular document formats with Sundown, Pandoc, MultiMarkdown, Discount, cmark, or cmark-gfm processors. It also features a live word count and auto-save. Eliminate distractions in fullscreen mode, or concentrate on the current text you are writing in focus mode. It even remembers your last opened file and position within the file, so you can pick up where you last left off.
Latest reviews
hh2734 7 months ago

Отличная прога, со своей задачей справляется на отлично. Очень лёгкая, и не грузит систему. Интерфейс выполнен прекрасно, сразу видно, старались! Определённо лайк!

Mark-Zhang 9 months ago

Light and Fast, This is just what I need!

Ouroubors 1 year ago

GhostWriter est un très bon outil d’écriture. Son complément naturel est le logiciel Pandoc qui permet des conversions de très bonne qualité de fichiers MarkDown vers les formats Html , Latex, LibreOffice Writer, etc.

goebbe 2 years ago

Ghostwriter is an excellent writing tool! It distraction free and really helps you to focus on your text. Highly recommended. This version is much smaller than the flatpak build.