
Front-end for the arcade games emulator mame
  4 reviews

Gmameui is a front-end program that helps you run mame, the multiple arcade machine emulator, allowing you to run your arcade games quickly and easily.

gmameui is a fork of the defunct gxmame project, with a number of enhancements over gxmame, among which the support for sdlmame and for more recent versions of mame.
Latest reviews
achacha 12 years ago

Settings go not get remembered. Settings editor makes the app disappear. Manually editing gmameui.ini gets you to at least show the roms and play it.

veggen 12 years ago

You people don't seem to get it that this is a front-end only. It doesn't decide what ROMs are playable. I think it lists a recent MAME version as a dependency so old ROMs might not work. Still, a recent ROM will work just fine. Played all my favorite SNK fighters on this, using two generic PS2-like controllers.

Luthenis 13 years ago

Doesn't work properly

enscott1030 13 years ago

Not impressed. Either half my roms don't work or I lose sound and have to manually flip the screen for every other game, depending on what flavor of MAME i use. Plus Xbox360 controls are loose and not easily configurable. Here's what I recommend for us Linux Mint/Ubuntu noobs: MAME/SDLMAME and xboxdrv from these software repos + QMC2 (MAME frontend for Gnome found at Much more rom playability plus you can remap your Xbox360 controller and make it as tight as you like.