Will not play Corruption of Champions. It just stays on a black screen and no matter what I press it won't let me play the game. It's the only reason I would want a SWF player.
Works for a while, then starts to act up, then freezes, SWFOpener works better for me
Youtube works even better than with Adobe's plugin, as videos don't play until you tell them to. However, some ShockWave Flash animations and games will be broken, as to be expected
It is very useful software. SWF files created by KidPix are played properly.
Javarészt működőképes, de Youtube-on pl. rendszeresen hibaüzenetet ad lejátszás helyett. Lassú és megbízhatatlan.
A lot of flash works with this, also I'm on PPC so it's all I can ask for.
Can be really helpful if adobe flash is by a bug. Sure it's nowhere near a replacement for it, but actually quite satisfying. Pair it with Minitube for a fuller experience.