
Calendar application for GNOME
  16 reviews

GNOME Calendar is a simple and beautiful calendar application designed to perfectly fit the GNOME desktop. By reusing the components which the GNOME desktop is build on, Calendar nicely integrates with the GNOME ecosystem.
Latest reviews
k2lach 1 month ago

mint 22.1 cinnamon; does what it should do, simple

DonBattino452 2 months ago

Dark mode should be improved! Dark fonts on dark background are not well readable.

tex_the_lex 1 year ago

I would like to choose different colours for every type of events.

wayan 2 years ago

I can't get it to work. I can import calendars or make new ones, but none of them are displayed after I reboot of my machine. Toggling the enabled/disabled status of a calendar crashes the application. Imported events are often entered with an end date incorrectly before the start date. There is a dialog to change the begin and end dates of events, but the changes are most of the time ignored. Imported events are regularly imported in the wrong month. Events cannot be moved to a different month. Even the "close" button on the "about"-panel doesnt work.

prcoy 3 years ago

Unusable with dark themes. Just found: no way to DELETE events.

Eismann2022 3 years ago

an sich nicht schlecht! wenn man jetzt aber ein Termin in der Zukunft sucht z.b. im Dezember bekommt man keine Ergebnisse! deswegen nutze ich lieber Evolution!

lericony 3 years ago

An sich kein schlechter Kalender. Aber die App stürzt entweder ab oder übernimmt einfach nicht vorgenommene Einstellungen. Da muss auf jeden Fall nachgebessert werden. An sich übersichtlich und schlicht gehalten. Das Design gefällt mir durchaus.

kn-swe 3 years ago

Crashes when adding recurring events. Crashes when i'm trying to edit recurring events. After crash deleted events comes back. Besides those issues i like it.

aline1219 3 years ago

Needs work. Has promise if it were revised. Can't make changes to an existing calendar entry -- you have to delete it and start over. Can't move around the calender input area with tab key -- most other software allows this. Have to convert entries to military time. Not a problem but should emulate other calendar apps that take input 'P' or 'A' to indicate AM or PM.

cassepipe 4 years ago

It is barely usable. When you try make a modification on a recurring event, sometimes it works, most of the time it does not.

franckgaga 5 years ago

Buggy and missing features. The minimialist look is great although.

Fran-in-Nebraska 5 years ago

Very Simple and Basic Calendar App, Great for beginners, very easy to use, very user friendly, making a recurring appointment is easy, setting an alarm is super easy, I appreciate the clean user interface, big squares for each day, fill up the whole screen. Just what you would want and expect from a simple, basic, easy-to-use calendar app, I am using version 3.28.2 on Linux Mint 19. I find no pre loaded Birthday that is impossible to get rid of, when I search for "birthday", nor does it appear on my screen anywhere. I havent tried backing it up but I would imagine a standard backup of all my data would get it, or timeshift system restore utility. It is more powerful than I will ever need, can syncronize with google calendar, add in online weather, create multiple calendars PERSONAL, or BIRTHDAYS and ANNIVERSARIES, etc. w. mint 19.

governmint 6 years ago

Cannot use or get rid of the pre-loaded birthday. No menu to choose where the files will be stores, so there is no way to make a backup of the events or agenda you might have. there is room for improvement.

Linuxwins 7 years ago

Schlichter Kalender, funktioniert aber mit CalDAV (Einrichtung über Evolution), sehr übersichtlich!

eriemer 7 years ago

Podia ser melhor, por exemplo, suportar integração com o

phrilser 8 years ago

Unable to automatically log recurring events