
simple, easy to use paint program for GNOME
  8 reviews

Gnome-paint is a program inspired by MS Paint and designed for GNOME (and maybe other) desktop environment. It could be used to manipulate images in a very simple way. With a very friendly user interface, gnome-paint is easy to get started for new users.
Latest reviews
AngryAtOSBS 1 year ago

C'mon. There has to be something between so complex, no one can use it that doesn't have a degree earned using that software package, and so basic, that I had better on my Commodore 64. This one is so basic, I had more features on the Commodore 64.....

osama_salah 5 years ago

It lacks some MS paint features but it is still helpful for very basic tasks. Also, some features have been planned for completion for a long time.

zazzy20 6 years ago

Utterly useless too!

septi 7 years ago

Amazing, thanks a lot..

linuxmintadminka 8 years ago

Чтобы нарисовать точку при выборе кисти или карандоша 1 клика мышки недостаточно, ее еще нужно пошевелить О_о... По-моему мнению, Pinta лучше подойдет для тех, кто хочет иметь в запасе простенький хорошо реализованный редактор с более широким функционалом, которого не хватает, например, в ms paint.

DocZen 10 years ago

Certaines fonctions ne sont pas encore implémentées...

Boringbytes 11 years ago

not great. simple but lacking some very basic and necessary features.

tomasfox 11 years ago

Similar to MS Paint, but lacks features like free selection, zoom and text insertion.